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Students Pen

This is what the students thought of the event...

Person Writing
Students Pen: About

It was an honour to be a part of the press conference with Mr Kumaran Mahalingam.He was very crisp and accurate in answering all the questions put forth by us. The answers were also explained very beautifully by him so that each and everyone of us could understand. Despite having a very tight schedule, our teachers also played an important role in making this happen and contacting such an amazing personality like him. After all this is over (Covid-19 lockdown), we would love to have him back in school for yet another discussion. 

- Manashree, class 10

Students Pen: About

The experience with the press club was amazing and since this was my debut press meet. I was very much interested and involved in the session. The exposure was fantastic. I would not forget this day my entire life.

- Adithya, class 8

Students Pen: About

When myself and my fellow students from The PSBB Millennium school,Gerugambakkam, got a wonderful opportunity to interact withsuch an accomplished Geologist like Mr.Kumaran Mahalingam, we indeed felt honoured. As a passionate plant lover and a nature enthusiast myself, I felt the session to be very informative and captivating.Throughout the session,Mr. Kumaran Mahalingam shared his thoughts and beliefs on conserving our environment, and the some simple steps that we could inculcate in our daily life to make a difference.He also shared with us his enthralling experiences thathe encountered on his various paddleboat expeditions that he undertook to create awarness about conserving ourgod given waters. Not only was it verbal discussion,we all got a chance to follow him around his wonderfull campus in Pichavaram where we saw and learnt quite a bit about the mangrooves and thier habitat. The session ended with a promising note that we would someday get to actually visit and paddle along our waters and experiences the beautiful sights ourselves.

-Srinija, class 10, she also created a pencil sketch of Mr. Kumaran (above)

Students Pen: About

Sanjana, class 9 loved the event so much that she made a wonderful piece of art.

Students Pen: About

It was the beginning of the awe inspiring mock press with our honourable chief guest, Mr. Kumaran Mahalingam. The guest was generous to grace us with his presence. Even though it was virtual every part of it felt real. The wind blowing in sirs surroundings also gave us the sense that we were actually in sir's place. The honourable guest was a Limca Record Holder for stand up paddling a very interesting sport in its own glory. He was ready to answer any question thrown at him with some values which we all need to learn in life. He was never exhausted even after answering all our questions. He was ever ready to show us his surroundings. Which was a site to behold even though we were far away. The chief guest willingness was something all of us should show. All in all it was an astounding place to be in and was agreat exposure to all of us. This couldn't have been made possible without thehelp of the teachers who were behind its success.

- Manav V Nair, class 9

Students Pen: About

Okay, talking about the press meet, it was one of the most informative meet I've ever been to. One thing that I really liked about Mr. Kumaran was how he used facts and stats for each and every answer that he answered, he said that stats and facts make it more logical and I totally agree to it. He was a really friendly and easy to talk to person and he filled us a lot about himself and his career.- Varnika, class 10

Students Pen: About

The PSBB Millennium School Gerugambakkam

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